
Not So Boring Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of those things you either love or hate! When I was growing up, I mainly had cold cereal for breakfast, but learned to love oatmeal when I started working and would eat it at work at my desk every day. Obviously, this was the instant version since I didn’t have access to a stove at work, but it was relatively low in calories and I was able to work it into my WW plan. Now that oatmeal is one of the zero points food options, I started making coming up with a few combinations that I really enjoyed and stayed within a low point/ low calorie range. These recipes all start with the same basic ingredients and stay around 3 WW points. All of these are a wonderful and filling way to start the day! I would love to know which is your favorite!

Maple Syrup/ Brown Sugar

1/2 cup quick cooking plain oatmeal

1 cup water

3 tsp brown sugar

Drizzle of Sugar Free Maple Syrup (any brand is fine, just make sure it’s around 10 calories per serving)

Add the oats and the water to a microwave safe bowl and heat for 2 minutes. Once cooked, add in the brown sugar and maple syrup until desired sweetness.

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal with Brown Sugar

1/2 cup quick cooking plain oatmeal

1 cup water

1/2 container unsweetened applesauce

3 tsp brown sugar

Cinnamon to taste

Add the oats and the water to a microwave safe bowl and heat for 2 minutes. Once cooked, add in the brown sugar, applesauce and the cinnamon. If you prefer it to be sweeter, you can add in a little Truvia without adding any extra calories.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Oatmeal

1/2 cup quick cooking plain oatmeal

1 cup water

3 tsp brown sugar

1 tsp semi- sweet chocolate chips

Add the oats and the water to a microwave safe bowl and heat for 2 minutes. Once cooked, add in the brown sugar and mix together. For a more chocolate flavor, let the chips melt into the oatmeal while it’s hot. I prefer to let it cool slightly and then add the chips on top.

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